Item Illustration : Tax Audit in France

Tax Audit in France

Tax legislation in France, and worldwide, becomes more and more complex and taxpayers have to meet high disclosing and compliance standards.

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Tax Audit in France

Tax legislation in France, and worldwide, becomes more and more complex and taxpayers have to meet high disclosing and compliance standards.

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Tax legislation in France, and worldwide, becomes more and more complex and taxpayers have to meet high disclosing and compliance standards.

In addition, the French tax authorities has extended powers, resources, dedicated & specialized teams and various possibilities to get detailed information on taxpayers.

Therefore, tax audit is becoming a major concern for companies and individuals but also for services providers, such as accountants and advisors, through the professional liability risk and complicity risk in tax fraud.

Tax audit process and pre-litigation phase could last between 14 to 24 months. Then, the litigation phase before courts starts.

Companies are almost all the time looking for a settlement out of court.

To do so, it is important to know well as from the beginning of the tax audit process, the strengths and weakness of the case and prepare as soon as possible the discussion and negotiation phase with the tax authorities.

In the presence of a strong case, fight hard and if you have a weak case, settle quickly by negotiating mainly on interest for late payment and penalties.

Our advice to prevent tax reassessment is that each tax decision, option or optimization must be well analyzed and immediately documented so that proper justification could be rapidly provided to the tax authorities in case of tax audit. Anticipation is essential.

Your clients should also regularly/annually update specific documentation for tax justification purposes

Our advice in case of tax audit : always keep good communication with tax inspectors and limit answers strictly to questions asked.

Recapitulative schedule on French tax audit (could be duplicated on a country-by-country basis for the next tax clubs)

  Standard rules  Exception Comments 
Duration of tax inspection No specific timing  Limitation to 3 months for small companies  Tax inspection can last several months in case of international assistance and exchanges with foreign tax authorities 
Duration of tax audit  No spectific timingas the tax authorities has no specific delay to answer taxpayers   Up to the end of the perligation phase with tax authorities, tax audits in France can last up to circa 2 years 
Duration of tax litigation before courts  Delays depend upon the complexity of the case and the jurisdictions   1st instance: 1 to 2 years
 2nd instance: 2 to 4 additional years
 3rd instance: 3 to 5 additional years
Statue of limitation rules  3 years + current FY Extended statute of limitation (i) 6 years + current FY and (ii) 10 years + current FY, for instance in case of tax fraud, absence of filing of tax forms and/or international assistance  
Interest for late payment  0,2% per month, i.e., 2,4% per year Possible reduction of 50% in case of regularization during tax audit   
Tax penalties 10% 40% in case of gross negligence / bad faith. 80% in case of tax fraud and/or abuse of law   
Criminal proceedings Automatic if tax reassessment >€ 100k and penalties of 80% applied  Possible upon decision of tax authorities if tax reassessment > 100k and penalties of 40% applied + reiteration during of tax reassessment during the period still oppened to tax audit  These thresholds could be rapidly reached and tax authorities use this threat to force taxpayer to settle the case before litigation


Alexis Degagny